Command and Conquer Level Level Name: Escape from Alcatraz Created By: Richard Kee ( Release Date: 17 February 1996 Map information: Large (61x61) Player: GDI Difficulty: Hard Filename: File contents: Escape.ini Savegame.555 Mission.ini Escape.txt Tested on Command and Conquer v1.18 (English version) Level replacement ----------------- This replaces any mission that you rename it to. But I would suggest using it for the last GDI mission. Mission Description ------------------- Once again Dr. Moebius is being harrassed by NOD. They want Moebius to spill his guts with all the info he has on tiberium. Mainly to upgrade their Chem-Warriors. They've taken him to the famous island prison "Alcatraz" along with many other helpless people. At the time we have no way of getting close to the island. NOD just happens to have some transports they use to get back and forth to the island. Steal the choppers find Moebius's cell, and get him out ALIVE! Level Description ----------------- Basically, just break into the NOD base. By running a sort of gauntlet of guard towers. Take the choppers. And there is a small lit up cell where you can use to get on the island. Moebius is in one of the prison cells on the island. Warning! Take out those SAM sites or the chopper will be destroyed on its way to fly Moebius out! Watch out for the patroling guards in the prison hallways! Usage ----- For those who don't want to bother messing around editing files, a savegame has been supplied that was taken the instant the level started. Simply copy this file (savegame.555) into your Command and Conquer directory . Then simply load that file when you start. Or you can just start a new GDI game by hitting "Start New Game" since the .bin file will load this mission, instead of the real one, automatically. If you want something more complete, Rename the .bin file to .map and replace it and the .ini file into the general.mix file with the "Mixman". I'm not gonna explain that procedure. Other Information (PLEASE READ!!) --------------------------------- I originally planned to have an entire force of about 14-15 REGULAR doctors. But I found that when you put one in a transport, the transport flys off automatically. So I had to drop that idea. :( I almost gave up on this mission until I thought of the Moebius idea. Glitches -------- Only one. You don't lose the mission unless Moebius is killed. So even if you lose all of your units, you won't lose. Rich's little tip section ------------------------- Thanks to... ------------ Andrew Griffin- For, well, starting this damn thing! Vladan Bato- For the "Mixman". Most excellent! Han Brunger- His guide really helped a lot! Jeroen Ritmeijer- For CCmap Richard Heesbeen- For CCmap Have fun! Richard Kee READ! READ! READ! READ! READ! READ! READ! | | | | | | | \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ If you like this mission please send me e-mail telling me what you liked, disliked, and want to see in the future. I can't improve until I know what I'm doing wrong. Also if you like this "kind" of mission e.g. the kind where you must break into a base and get something etc. please mail me.